
Tomislav Bišof

Lead Frontend Engineer

Who am I?

I'm a (Technical) Lead Frontend Engineer with over 9 years of experience located in The Hague, Netherlands. I have a good eye for UI design and value creativity, minimalism and providing a pleasant user experience. I like to keep my projects well-structured, clean and scalable, and always take time to critically look at past decisions and actively improve existing code.

In my role, I aim to steer product development towards good technical decisions, promote team harmony and provide an innovative mindset that helps translate ideas into prototypes and solutions. I usually participate to some degree in product management and team leadership, even though my strength is being a contributor with high productivity.

I am comfortable working and communicating in distributed teams and prefer remote-first companies.

Where have I worked?

Remote / Rotterdam, NL (Jul 2020 - Present)


Lead Frontend Engineer - Full-time

Leading frontend projects and a small team of frontend developers. Participating in feature design, solution direction and prototyping of new ideas.

  • Engineering platform written with React, TypeScript and MUI.
  • Data visualization using libraries like Three.js, R3F+Drei, react-map-gl and Open BIM Components.
  • Website written with Next.js, TypeScript and Styled Components.
  • Documentation written with Docusaurus.
  • Automated tests using Vitest, React Testing Library and Playwright.
The Hague, NL (Nov 2019 - Jun 2020)


Senior Frontend Engineer - Full-time

Worked in a small team or individually on projects related to marketing campaigns and client websites.

  • Various projects written with React, Next.js, Styled Components, Contentful and GraphQL.
  • Exploration and development of a custom order processing application that integrates with Shopify.
The Hague, NL (Sep 2018 - Oct 2019)


Senior Frontend Engineer - Full-time

Established a dedicated frontend team, decoupled frontend from the backend repository and worked on projects related to digital identities.

  • Built a document signing platform with React, Redux and Styled Components.
  • Developed a company design system and component library.
  • Rebuilt the corporate website with Gatsby.
  • Helped lead the scrum team and handled some product owner responsibilities.
Zagreb, HR (Jan 2017 - Aug 2018)


Senior Frontend Engineer - Full-time

Part of the founding team that started the Croatian branch of the company. I established a frontend team and worked on planning and development of new platforms for transactional email and SMS.

  • Developed a transactional email management platform with Angular 2+.
  • Developed a website for the above platform using server-side templating.
  • Developed an SMS communication platform with React, Redux and Styled Components.
  • Helped out with team lead and product manager responsibilities.
Zagreb, HR (May 2015 - Aug 2018)

BBDO Proximity

Full-stack Web Developer - Full-time/Freelance

Started out as a web developer and worked on various web projects related to marketing campaigns for various Croatian brands. After moving to SMSGlobal in Jan 2017, I switched to a freelance contract and continued developing new projects and maintain existing ones until a new team was assembled.

  • Built websites with jQuery, SASS and GSAP.
  • Built web applications with AngularJS and Slim.
  • Created animated HTML5 banners and responsive email templates.
  • Maintained websites built on WordPress and Umbraco CMS.

Where did I study?


Osijek, HR (2011 - 2014)

Master's Degree in Computer Science (Process Computing and Automatization)


Osijek, HR (2007 - 2011)

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science (General Computer Science)

Get in touch

I might or might not be looking at this time. If I am, I am mainly interested in remote-first companies that have a well-structured development process and focus on long-term product development.

If you would like to get in touch with me, you can do so through Linkedin or .

Copyright © 2024, Tomislav Bišof